What will Photography be Like in the Next 50 Years? (Copy)

There is always an unrevealed room present for the discoveries. No one can claim that they know the world better than others. You can't change the past, hide from the present and predict the future. The same is in the case of "PHOTOGRAPHY."

Photography is not a hobby, fun, or profession; it's a way of telling those stories that we can't see with our eyes. Not everyone can explain the emotions they feel through the camera.

The relationship of humans with cameras has been continuously changing in the last few years. Initially, people used the camera just to click simple photos of places. But now, the camera is like a part of the photographer. They are using it to describe the world's stories in pictures to capture emotions and the unseen beauty of nature.

Photographers are now manipulating images with lenses, filters, processing software, chemicals, and exposures. Every image on the internet is not as simpler and raw as it was in the past.

You might have this question in your mind "What will photography be like in the upcoming 50 years?" So, here we are going to take a look at the future.

But before that, let’s talk a bit about:

What is Photography today?

Today's generation spends their time learning skills, finding what they want, and spending their life like a never forgettable story. It is a tool for exploring the world's beauty by capturing the light through the camera.

At present, every person has a camera: a mini one or one on the phone. They love taking pictures to preserve every special moment of their life. It's more like a hobby, a road that connects us with the world.

If we talk about professional photography, there are people who are available for pro wedding and party shoots. Such people know how to perfectly deal with camera settings and take best shots.

As for the future, we are definitely going to welcome a completely new world where cameras and picture-taking process will change a lot. Let’s discuss what’s coming next.

1. 3D & VR Photography

As we know that the camera is now limited to 2D images. But it will be more fun if we can capture an image in the 3D frame. Today some cameras are doing it, but we will face a time when they become well-recognized.

We might capture some pictures as holograms, especially by the use of 3D holographic display technologies. Virtual reality (VR) also impacts taking, viewing, and composing a picture. Right now, it's not very common but only few years are left for it to become a mainstream practice.

A day will come when the camera will capture a wide-angle 3D image by looking around the beautiful scenes. We can achieve this goal by mixing the sensors of the multi-camera array with software.

A better and cutting-edge world is waiting for us to explore. Step-by-step progress will take us to that level where we will capture everything in any way we want.

2. Capture without Professionals

There are many ways for a photographer to make a living, from LA Muslim wedding photography to photojournalism.

But this profession is now facing its decline. Everyone is carrying a camera in the form of a smartphone, a mini or compact camera. People love taking their pictures in the way they want.

For the photographer to be in the market, learning new advancements and using different ways to click like 3D and VR is very important. For a professional, the world is becoming more challenging. Who knows, it might polish them like a diamond or become a cause of their deterioration.

Photographers will have to work hard and bring a difference to attract people and for their work to stand out. But this is only possible by introducing such technology and polished shooting experience.

3. Automated Photo Capturing

It's time to say, "Goodbye, Shutter Button ."Many brands are trying to introduce shutter buttons replacement. This replacement might be in the form of face recognition, voice command, or maybe a wink, just like in many cell phones.

With the growth of Computer algorithms, we might develop such cameras that can analyze actions like our smile, open eyes, or blinking to capture photos.

Keep in mind that "Advancements come with the need ."The invention is a face of needs. When humans need something, they invent it. This is how the world is developing day by day.

4. Mini-Drone CinematoGraphy

With time with technological advancement, we will see whole new shooting practices. Photographers need to introduce new ways to take & compose photographs with the right positions and light.

With the evolving technology, we will change the way we visualize & capture images, the location, weather, and even shooting position.

Imagine watching a Houston Muslim Wedding video shoot by a mini drone having clouds, birds, and wind increasing its beauty. It feels like a dream where you can control everything in the way you want.

At present, drones are either dangerous & large or small with low quality. In the future, enduring the automated algorithm development, I think drones will come with more skilled operations.

Their combination with the high-resolution camera will automatically click photos and videos for you. Get ready for the drones working as your photographer.

5. 'Smell-graph: If Fragrance had a face

Did you imagine adding smell to your photographs?

YES! You are reading it right. Maybe our future cameras might add the sense in a visual medium.

It’s not a bad idea to stimulate sense rather than vision in your photos. Many people are thinking about a camera that will convert photography into smell-graphy in which the camera will record the smell of the scene with a visual image.

In London, Amy Radcliffe has created a camera called “Madeleine” to capture smell rather than image. This concept needs to be optimized and perfect for future use. So as we can preserve our emotions in the form of smell. That means, your future experience of taking dinner pictures is now going to change.

6. Infinite Battery Power

Today, photographers are spending a lot per shoot on Rechargeable batteries. Even though these batteries are very powerful, the price still needs to be reduced.

Did you think about charging your camera without plugging it into an electrical outlet?

Maybe not! BUT future may bring us alternatives. That alternative might include the solar energy system to charge the camera. So whenever you’ll be out having fun with pictures, your camera will be charging meanwhile.

To bring any change, first, we need to resolve any questions.

7. Light Field technology

Light Field technology is a way of taking pictures in which you can determine which portion of the picture you want to focus on. After this technology, you don’t need to look out for focus settings.

Lytro cameras now have this technology, but it needs to become a part of general Photography. The future will bring us a snapping experience where we don't need to focus while taking pictures. So just, choose, click, and get amazing pictures!

Wrapping Up!

As for the future, we have a lot of expectations and predictions, but we still are not sure about what Photography will be like in the next 50 years. According to my perceptions, it's not only technology that is entering the new world; our experiences, priorities, and life are also going to step on the new roads. We all should make an effort to take Photography to the next level where it will make our lives more convenient and beautiful.