How to Throw a Decent Muslim Wedding Reception Party?

In Islam, it is directed to keep everything simple and minimal, not only because it is easier but also because it looks elegant. Keeping everything simple and light isn't a tough job if you know the right way to do so. Now, a decent reception means an event admired and cherished by everyone! You'll need to plan things subtly and avoid anything that looks flashy or bold.We have compiled a list of things that’ll help you plan a glorious religious as well as traditional wedding that you can cherish your whole life.

It's nothing to be perplexed about because here, you'll be reading some of the most convenient ways to plan a picture-perfect party. You shouldn't be worrying at all if you think your Bay Area Muslim wedding videography will be disturbed by keeping things low-key. In fact, it’ll turn out to be even better in that charming environment of yours. Now, let’s get to the point and start with some of the best ways to help you plan a decent yet rocking wedding reception!

Try Keeping It Natural

You can either choose a huge gorgeous hall for your big day or go with any natural surroundings. If you don't plan on inviting a lot of people over, you can plan your reception party on a beach or even in your backyard too. It will not only be intimate or delightful but will also make you able to enjoy your big day to the fullest with your closest ones. This all will be nothing but a perfect day out with your friends where you celebrate, enjoy the meal, and have fun!

Stay in Your Comfort Zone

Don't go out of your limits to plan everything. Keeping yourself and the guests comfortable is important, and that's all that matters. If you succeed in achieving that, there's no point in keep planning and stressing out. It's your day, and you have the absolute right to live it your way. Don't be harsh on yourself and plan the things just like you want them to be. Because it's a day that doesn't come every other day!

Try Matching Outfits for the Day

Couple's twinning has been an admired thing for years now. People love dressing up like their loved one, that includes matching colors, outfit styles, and so on. Now, of course, you both can neither wear a suit nor a dress at the same time for your reception. So, what does 'matching outfits' really mean here? Well, it's about wearing similar colors, the groom's tie matching the bride's dress, and carry somewhat similar looks for the day.

The easiest way to do this is to try the same outfit colors. For example, you can choose the color of a bride's dress suitable for the groom's suit. And if you aren't comfortable doing that, matching the tie with the dress is always a cherished option available. It spreads the feelings of love and affection between the couple and around, making your reception more lovable. Plus, not to mention, doing this will help your wedding photographers capture some beautiful couple shots to put in your Bay Area Muslim wedding photography album.

The Colors Do Speak

When it comes to keeping things minimalistic and decent, the first thing that hits the mind is the décor, flowers, lighting, and colors. Now, you must know-how using the perfect colors and décor can change the whole setup. A wedding reception party is all about maintaining elegance and grace, and what better way is there to do that, other than using soothing colors? Plus, don't limit yourself to flowers or lights, try implementing a bit of creativity in the stage and furniture décor too.

People forget it at times, but the chairs, tables, and even the crockery used to serve the meal affect the whole theme and decoration. You might not find it disturbing but will realize it while going through your Bay Area Muslim wedding videography, but that’d be too late to do something, right? So, when you plan a light-colored and pleasant stage and surroundings décor, don’t let all this other stuff skip through your mind!

Add Yummy Meals to the Menu

Adding delicious and unusual meals is a great way to make all your guests go ‘WOW’! You don’t need to be anxious about your budget as we are not talking about going up and beyond to do everything. Just add some simple desi dishes that people love but don't think of using in the wedding menu.

In case you’re looking for options, Biriyani is the best desi dish loved worldwide. Some other super unusual yet delicious choices would be white rice with curry, BBQ & kebabs (which will go well with Biriyani too), Kashmiri chai (pink tea), etc. This chai is not only loved by adults but also children due to its slight sweetness and addition of various yummy ingredients (it also helps with digestion and metabolism). If you want something unique and cool on the menu to please the children, try adding various types of jellies, donuts, or ice-cream sandwiches to the menu. If you’re unaware of these dishes, try them beforehand and decide for yourself!

A Delightful Wedding Entertainment is a Must-Have

Just like hiring a photographer for Bay Area Muslim wedding photography, getting the right band or a person to manage your wedding's music is of great importance too. You need to put thought into which music band or DJ will be delightful and decent enough to have around at your wedding?

Maybe, ask friends, go through their reviews, get suggestions online, etc., but choose the one who can add intimate vibes to the event by playing wonderful background music. Remember not to go with something extravagant or jazzy because it's all about keeping it as minimalistic and charming as possible.

Maintain Order in Everything

Wedding planning requires hard work and planning. No one would want that much planning ever to go to waste. If you don't either, make sure to maintain proper order. Nope, it's not a classroom or a school where you need to follow the rules. It's just an event that must be charming throughout. Thus, it’ll be better if you plan stull like couple’s entry, meal serving, photoshoots, Bay Area Muslim wedding videography, etc., in a specific order.

It isn't necessary to follow everything, plus improvisation is always a way out in case anything doesn't go as planned. However, it is good to chalk things out so that you don't miss out on anything. And if you're looking forward to throwing a decent Muslim wedding reception party, you will have to have a bit of order and discipline in everything (that's kind of the only way to make things run smoothly and finely)!

Don’t Make It Fluffy

Sometimes keeping things subtle can cost more than them being flashy. While we plan a decent reception party here, we need to focus on the budget. Now, there's a simple way to keep the balance between everything. Don't skip the things you love, and don't add extra fluff! This is all you'll need to plan a day that is all according to your desire. The guests are important and do have a special place, but you don't have to please everyone. If you try to do so, you will end up making things full of fluff. That will not only cost extra money but disturbance too. Plus, adding activities or items more than you can manage is never recommended.

The Final Suggestion

One most important thing to keep in mind while planning your wedding is it’s YOUR big day! And you get to celebrate it just like the way you like. Don't stress over the décor, food, photoshoots, because there will be people to help you through everything. And in the end, you'll surely get a perfect décor (just like you planned), delicious served meal, and stunning Bay Area Muslim wedding photography album to cherish forever.

Anchal Narang