How to Plan A Budget-Friendly Wedding

Lavish weddings have become a norm in today’s day and age. Simple and intimate weddings have become a rare sighting. An intimate wedding is not for everyone. You don’t have to have the large wedding that will drain your savings for one night of celebration. So,. how can you plan such a wedding? Here are some suggestions that will help you to plan a budget-friendly wedding.

Have a budget

Clear expectations and a clearly outlined budget framework are excellent ways to start planning a budget-friendly wedding. It will be important for both bride and groom to be on board with the budget. During this discussion some questions should be asked, such as:

  • What is the maximum amount of money to be spent on the wedding?

  • How many people should be invited?

  • How much money can we spend on catering, photography, etc?

  • How are we going to divide the expenses between each other? Will both parents help shoulder the expenses? If so, how much?

Stick to Your Budget!

Once the budget is confirmed, make sure you follow through with it! Outlining the expenses and putting a cap on them is only the first step, following through with the plan is the difficult part. As a couple, make a pact to stick to the budget and hold each other accountable when it's time to put it into practice.

You don’t need to do every event

There can be so many celebrations at a multicultural wedding and it can be hard to cut corners when you are on a budget. It is fairly common to have a lineup of wedding festivities that lasts for at least a week. But for some couples, suggesting a simpler wedding can be hard for the family members to understand. As the bride and groom, and to achieve your budget goals, you’ll both need to decide on hosting events that you can afford. If there is an event you both don’t want to host, skip it entirely if it is possible. If you still want to celebrate, ensure that the event is lowkey and have it at home with close friends and family only. More intimate, more special. And remember, you can always find fun alternatives to minimize the cost without compromising on the fun.

Don’t hesitate to ask for discounts

While booking vendors for the wedding turn your negotiation game on and try to wiggle out some useful deals and discounts, many vendors are happy to provide discounts and offers to couples. Also, don’t forget to ask your friends and family to offer complimentary services (e.g., henna, wedding planning, catering, etc) in exchange for exposure for their business.

Remember it’s your day

Everyone has pictured what their dream wedding would look like. The only thing that matters is that you and your partner are accepting of each other’s idea of the big day and you bring your two visions together. People will never be satisfied and it is not your problem to have. Shed the people-pleasing attitude and celebrate your big day the way you both have always envisioned.

Enjoy Your Day

After all the planning, and making sure your day is perfect for you, remember to have fun on your big day. Be confident in your planning and how everything unfolded. Remember to smile a lot and focus on the moment and nothing else.

These budget-friendly tips will ease some of your burden in planning a wedding that won’t burn a hole in your pocket. Visual Artistry Co. has some amazing budget-friendly photography packages for your wedding day. To know more about the packages click here.

Rahim Siddiq