What a Muslim Wedding Photographer Can Tell You about Your Chicago Wedding

As a Muslim wedding photographer in Chicago, my assignments have taken me to almost every corner of the city imaginable. As such, I have a pretty good idea of what the best places are and what Muslim couples need to know about their impending nuptials.

The best photography locations for the perfect photo, the right photography tactics for shy couples, down to what the suitable venues are for your wedding—whatever you need to know when planning your Chicago wedding, I have all the best info.

To help you have the happiest day of your life, I've decided to impart some wisdom from what I've learned throughout the years.

What a Muslim Wedding Photographer Can Tell You

Make the Venue Reservation Early On

Even during the pandemic, Illinois played host to 38,718 weddings. You can only imagine how many weddings take place in the state in normal conditions.

The city of Chicago is a popular destination for weddings. You will need to contact the venue about 4 – 6 months in advance if you want the place you desire. You'll need to make sure the venue allows the correct number of people and be vigilant about timing, vendors, and all other elements related to wedding planning.

Be Mindful of the Pandemic

If you want to have your wedding within this year, be open-minded about the circumstances.

Large gatherings are not permitted because of the spread of COVID-19. Even if you are vaccinated, you'll want to be careful about those vulnerable to the virus.

Most couples during the pandemic have opted to have a small wedding ceremony in an open area or at home, with only the immediate family and their photographer allowed. If you decide to follow suit and have the wedding at an outdoor venue, remember to include your photographer in the guest list. Otherwise, they will not be allowed in.

Don't Forget about the Weather

How your wedding day goes depends greatly on how the weather stays.

Chicago is well-known for its unpredictable weather. If you're having your wedding in the summer, snow or rain could fall at any time. Summers are sizzling at best. Fall can be dry and chilly. Spring seems like the best time, but we forget that this season brings about increased hotel rates and airfares.

According to each season, you'll want to have a wedding celebration that suits everyone. If you're having a wedding in the fall or winter, keeping it indoors is your best bet. An outdoor wedding in spring or summer is okay if you can afford it or if someone can lend their backyard.

If not, there are plenty of free wedding locations in Chicago that will more than satisfy your requirements. If money is no problem, you can opt for any Muslim wedding-friendly venues in Chicago too. Decide on the best ones for your wedding and the photoshoot.

Skip the Plentiful Ceremonies

As much as Muslims are taught to keep things modest, we can't help it when it comes to celebrating happy occasions.

Yet, with the pandemic, it might be wise to scale back the number of ceremonies you'll have for your wedding. While Chicago has allowed weddings to presume in the city, it's best to take caution. Skip any unnecessary ceremonies, such as dholkis, mehndi, parties, or bridal showers, or a stag night for the men.

While you won't have the same pomp and circumstance as you'd expect, this will be easier to manage, and you'll save plenty of money in the long run.

Have a Plan Ready

The average Muslim wedding includes a Nikah and a small reception at home, under the conditions that the bride will leave for her wedding home the same day.

If that's the plan, tell your photographer beforehand and decide on all venues for the wedding photography. Such events typically last all day, starting from the afternoon, after which the reception takes place in the evening. Your photographer will need the bride and groom for at least an hour or two, so they can get the photographs in the proper lighting.

Decide on your timeline, locations, and have a backup venue in place as well. You never know when someplace might close.

Remember the Paperwork

If you're getting married in Chicago, you will need to obtain a marriage license from the County Clerk's office. You will need to visit the office in the city where the ceremony will be performed.

You will need to bring that license to the ceremony and have the person performing the marriage sign it. The document will then be submitted to the County Clerk's office to issue your Marriage certificate.

Like all couples, Muslims need this marriage license as well. Otherwise, the wedding will not be recognized by the state. All you need are some identification documents. Although the marriage license costs $500, the cost can be reverted to $300 if the ceremony takes place in a Muslim community center.

Forego Heavy Dressing

Considering the present conditions, you will be expected to hold a smaller ceremony and reception. Use that to your advantage.

If you're only inviting your closest family and friends, wear the type of wedding dress that makes you look and feel comfortable. We typically wear heavily embroidered wedding dresses because of the exuberance of the occasion. But with a smaller event, it helps to have understated attire.

Keep the wedding attire casual with a hint of formal. The groom can wear a pant-shirt-vest combo with a funky tie or a sherwani without the heavy embroidery. The bride can opt for a simpler dress, one she can move around easily. Instead of keeping things formal, use this opportunity to turn your event into a laidback party. You'll be surprised by how happy and relaxed you feel.

Enjoy the Experience

This wedding will be unlike many weddings you've attended in the past years; there's no doubt about that. Yet, you have to look at the bright side.

Getting married is a positive development in your life, one that you'll experience only once in your life. Whether you do it with all the glitz and glamour or in an understated way does not make a difference.

Instead of thinking about how you couldn't have the Muslim wedding you wanted, focus on the wedding you're having, with the people you love and the best person by your side. And remember, how you feel at the moment shows transparently on camera. Let go of your anxiety and instead think about the happy days ahead.


Having a Muslim wedding in Chicago, especially during the pandemic, is not that difficult if you know what to do.

Hopefully, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to have a stress-free, incredible wedding.

Anchal Narang